Spells, Wishes, & Enemies by Martha Carr & Michael Anderle

Spells, Wishes, & Enemies by Martha Carr & Michael Anderle

Author:Martha Carr & Michael Anderle [Carr, Martha & Anderle, Michael]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: LMBPN Publishing
Published: 2024-05-13T00:00:00+00:00


As Charlotte and her friends traveled along a straight path cut through the woods, it became obvious they were no longer in the familiar forest near Ginger Haus’s hidden cottage. That magical clearing was gone, and in its place was a new forest.

The trees here stood taller, their trunks thicker, and the bark was a darker brown, worn by time and draped in moss. Branches hung low, heavy with age, and roots snaked across the ground, creating a tangle of obstacles among the dense underbrush. The foliage was lush, with tall grasses, ferns, and shrubs filling the space where light struggled to penetrate the forest canopy. Unlike the woods back in Cincinnati, this place was eerily silent, with no birdsong or the hum of insects to fill the air.

Every so often, a twig would snap or leaves would shuffle to the side of the path, but that was the only evidence of movement within the nearly silent forest. There were no birds in sight and no small animals darting through the undergrowth.

As Alex struggled to hear anything around them, all he found were the soft sniffs from Cat and Sir Thomas as they tested the air, his own muffled steps falling in time with Charlotte’s as they walked, and the sounds of their breathing as the sun dipped lower in the sky.

Charlotte trusted Cat’s senses completely, and Alex had grown to trust and care for the oversized furball as well. The enchanted dog had a knack for finding things that could help their group despite the day’s magical events testing him and showing otherwise. These were issues Cat couldn’t have anticipated or even hoped to combat, not with the sheer amount of power at play.

Still, the fairy godmother worried about what they might find ahead. Unlike something trivial that a normal Earth cat or dog would likely lead their group to, like a meaty bone or pond filled with fish, whatever Cat found had to be something bigger and more useful. She held hope it would be vital to their mission, but with that importance came the possibility of danger.

Charlotte mulled over their situation as they followed Cat, keeping a keen eye on their surroundings. She couldn’t figure this particular puzzle out. They hadn’t gone through a portal, at least not one that she recognized. Not the sort that snatched people from EverAfter and dropped them into Cincinnati without warning. Yet the longer they traveled and the more they saw that they’d never come across before, she couldn’t shake the possibility out of her troubled mind.

The storm they’d encountered must have done something else, something significant. There was also the possibility this was like the magic that shielded Ginger Haus’s cottage, making it invisible and repelling visitors without their knowledge. They could have crossed another magical boundary in the forest, and that storm could have whisked them away to this unfamiliar place.

Regardless of any of those things, this definitely isn’t Cincinnati, she thought.

Speculation was as far as she could go.


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